Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Early V-Day Gift from Joseph

OK I know to most this wouldn't be that great of a gift from your hubby, But my hubby knows me and knows that I Love to take photo's. I would take a camera over jewelry any day! I have a Nikon D40 that never leaves my hand LOL!! And for IDK how long I have been wanting a Canon Camera! Well today in the mail I get this box and in it is My Canon Camera!! OMG I was so super excited to get it out and play with it. Then I got an even bigger surprise he had photo's on it from his ceremony that I couldn't make it to when he got pinned on as Warrant Officer. How awesome is that!!! I know ever girl says they have the best husband ever but I know I have the best husband ever for ME...HA HA!!! He ROCKS. I love him so much and could not have ask for a better V-day gift ever. So with that said I better get started taking some photo's so look out for tons of photo's from me coming soon!!!




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