Thursday, March 5, 2009

I have been a Little busy

Well I have been a little busy here for the last couple of weeks. The boys start baseball soon so That will take alot of my time up. I am going on a little mini vac from March 16Th to 18Th. Going to Turner Falls In OK. I am excited I need something to take my mind off of Joseph being gone. I miss him more everyday. I don't get to talk to him very much and it is really hard. The boys are OK as Long as I keep them busy. I have showed the boys pics of our new house that we will be living in when we get to Cali. They are so excited about that. All they talk about is how there rooms are gonna look. Koby wants his room to be Green. YIKES everything he has is blue. so we will see. Maybe I can find a soft green that will go good with soft blue! Anyway we are planning a trip to VA in May and then going to Washington. Koby and Kyle really want to see the White House. That will be a great way to teach them about some of history in a fun way BAWHAHAHA Making learning fun! Well I will try to update on more tomorrow and have some pics up!!

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