Friday, January 30, 2009

Up and ready for the day!!

Well Yesterday got alot better the headache went away and the weather warmed up not much but it did warm up. Koby came home from school still feeling bad and he ate dinner then went to bed at 7:00. But man did he get up early LOL! 5:15 this morning! So I got him a shower cause he didn't get one last nite and I didn't want him going to school all yucky from being sick. But he is all better now. Kyle for once in his little life put his shoes by his door in the room. He was so happy this morning when he told me he knew where his shoes was...he he Gotta love kids. They always can make me smile. So I put a pot of Coffee on and started my day. I got them dressed and out the door for school. Kolton is in there still asleep. That boy loves his sleep. I don't Know what I am gonna do when he has to go to school next year. He is not a Morning kid at all! It is an awesome 27 outside with frost still on the ground. But this weekend is supposed to be Beautiful in the high 70 so I am gonna head on over to First Monday in Canton for some shopping! I gotta get some house work done and then I think I am gonna have a lazy friday LOL!

Random quote for the day: This quote comes in mind cause a friend on myspace is having some problems with an ex friend of hers....

It's just something that happens as you grow up.You realize its less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Random quotes

I think I will start posting some random quotes on here. Some you might find helpful or just make you wanna smile. Some may just relate to how you fill at the moment who knows!! I swear I live my life by quotes! Anyway Here is one for today.....

If you love someone more then anything, then distance only matters to the mind, not to the heart.

I have music on my page now!!

I have added some music to my page so yall can listen to it when you stop by! I hope you enjoy it. It is just some random songs that I like! I love to listen to music it clams me and relaxs me. Anytime I have a bad day I just turn the radio on and listen to some music. I swear I can relate to just about every song that was written. I listen to just about any kind of music. I don't listen to hard rap{can't understand the words LOL} I will change the music often so it's not always the same thing! Anyway I gotta get up and about and do some house work!

Good Morning???

I feel Like crap this morning! I have the most horrible headache ever and the weather doesn't even seem to help. It's like 22 degree's outside BRRRR lol....I have alot of housework to do fun fun. Seems like that is never done. But with three boys running around why would it be. The boys got off to a bad start this morning Koby wasn't feeling to great and not sure if he wanted to go school. I got him to go and told him if he gets to bad to go see the nurse and I will pick him up. I feel awful for that but We wanna go see Joseph graduate in May and they are gonna miss a week of school then! So I am trying not to let them miss school unless they are really sick. Kyle Had lost his shoe and did NOT want to find it lol. Finally 15 min later there was the shoe. He was running around saying I lost it Ok yea I wore his shoe LOL! After about 15 min we finally got the shoe on him and out the door they went to catch the bus that I hate them riding. But what can you do when the roads are bad and My hubby knows I don't drive in any bad weather or a little rain LOL. Well I think I am gonna go lay back down and see if I can't get this headache to go away and hope that I wake up and the day will seem better!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

For My Marine, My Love!!!

Hey Babe everytime you get on here to see the updates on me and the kids I hope you look at this and know That I am always sending you Kisses! I love you Babe and I am very proud of you!

They are the cutest EVER!!!

Aww the cutest little cats found there way here. We have no idea who's they are but I couldn't help but take pics of them. The orange, white and black color one is my fav. We have already found 2 of the cat's really good homes and the other three we are taking care of. Noboby liked them :(




Up Date On Joseph:


Well Joseph Is in VA and working hard at the Officer course. I miss him Like crazy and he is only been gone a week! He passed his PFT with No problem. The Boys and me got to see him on web cam last nit and they loved that! Thank go for laptops and web cam's HUH!!! He says it is snowing there BRR that is too cold for me! He will be able to use his laptop in his room at the end of this week. Right now he is using it in a room full of people! So the noise in the background is bad. He pins on Officer on Feb 2nd and I am sad that I wont be able to go. But It is ok We are planning a trip there in May for his graduation and they are gonna a private thing for him so I can pin him on. how cool is that! Koby is excited to go but I think he is more excited to go see the White House LOL! Well I will update as he updates me! I will also Update you on how me and the boys are handling all this!


UGH To The Weather

UGH It Is just down right nasty outside this morning. Only in Texas can you find it to be 80 one day then 30 the next! All The school's around us have closed but not the one my boys go to. They are opening at 10:00am WTH! There is Ice all over the roads. I really don't want to drive in it or let them ride the bus IDK what to do? Looks Like it may be a FREE day for the boys. We have an insrance guy coming out today or well he is supposed to IDK with the way the roads are? Anyway A couple of days ago I spilt some Black Paint on the floor here at my moms. Not a pretty site to see. So I am hoping they can replace her carpet cause God Knows I don't have the money for it. So if he does show up oh what fun it will be with 3 boys running around while he is trying to take pics of the damage. Fingers crossed they fix it!! Well I will write an Up date on Joseph here in a little bit. I gotta get the boys ready for school and then make a call on if they are going or not!

Tree Branch
Bench out Front


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Only Pink...


Never In a Million years would I have ever thought I would be the only girl in my family! I have an amazing Husband and 3 very Handsome Boys! Don't get me wrong I love my life there is never a slow down moment{well when I sleep}! So no I never get bored! I will never get that chance to dress a girl up or teach a girl how to wear her make up. But I do get to ride 4-wheelers, and dirt bikes and all that fun boy stuff that girls never do. So I guess being the Pink in my House of Blues has its up side....I guess you can say I am just raising 3 more Marines LOL! Or that's what they say they are gonna be when the get older! ....well here is a pic of Koby riding his new dirt bike and Kyle riding his 4 wheeler!
