Wednesday, January 28, 2009

UGH To The Weather

UGH It Is just down right nasty outside this morning. Only in Texas can you find it to be 80 one day then 30 the next! All The school's around us have closed but not the one my boys go to. They are opening at 10:00am WTH! There is Ice all over the roads. I really don't want to drive in it or let them ride the bus IDK what to do? Looks Like it may be a FREE day for the boys. We have an insrance guy coming out today or well he is supposed to IDK with the way the roads are? Anyway A couple of days ago I spilt some Black Paint on the floor here at my moms. Not a pretty site to see. So I am hoping they can replace her carpet cause God Knows I don't have the money for it. So if he does show up oh what fun it will be with 3 boys running around while he is trying to take pics of the damage. Fingers crossed they fix it!! Well I will write an Up date on Joseph here in a little bit. I gotta get the boys ready for school and then make a call on if they are going or not!

Tree Branch
Bench out Front


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