Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good Morning???

I feel Like crap this morning! I have the most horrible headache ever and the weather doesn't even seem to help. It's like 22 degree's outside BRRRR lol....I have alot of housework to do fun fun. Seems like that is never done. But with three boys running around why would it be. The boys got off to a bad start this morning Koby wasn't feeling to great and not sure if he wanted to go school. I got him to go and told him if he gets to bad to go see the nurse and I will pick him up. I feel awful for that but We wanna go see Joseph graduate in May and they are gonna miss a week of school then! So I am trying not to let them miss school unless they are really sick. Kyle Had lost his shoe and did NOT want to find it lol. Finally 15 min later there was the shoe. He was running around saying I lost it Ok yea I wore his shoe LOL! After about 15 min we finally got the shoe on him and out the door they went to catch the bus that I hate them riding. But what can you do when the roads are bad and My hubby knows I don't drive in any bad weather or a little rain LOL. Well I think I am gonna go lay back down and see if I can't get this headache to go away and hope that I wake up and the day will seem better!!!

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