Friday, January 30, 2009

Up and ready for the day!!

Well Yesterday got alot better the headache went away and the weather warmed up not much but it did warm up. Koby came home from school still feeling bad and he ate dinner then went to bed at 7:00. But man did he get up early LOL! 5:15 this morning! So I got him a shower cause he didn't get one last nite and I didn't want him going to school all yucky from being sick. But he is all better now. Kyle for once in his little life put his shoes by his door in the room. He was so happy this morning when he told me he knew where his shoes was...he he Gotta love kids. They always can make me smile. So I put a pot of Coffee on and started my day. I got them dressed and out the door for school. Kolton is in there still asleep. That boy loves his sleep. I don't Know what I am gonna do when he has to go to school next year. He is not a Morning kid at all! It is an awesome 27 outside with frost still on the ground. But this weekend is supposed to be Beautiful in the high 70 so I am gonna head on over to First Monday in Canton for some shopping! I gotta get some house work done and then I think I am gonna have a lazy friday LOL!

Random quote for the day: This quote comes in mind cause a friend on myspace is having some problems with an ex friend of hers....

It's just something that happens as you grow up.You realize its less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones.

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