Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Up Date On Joseph:


Well Joseph Is in VA and working hard at the Officer course. I miss him Like crazy and he is only been gone a week! He passed his PFT with No problem. The Boys and me got to see him on web cam last nit and they loved that! Thank go for laptops and web cam's HUH!!! He says it is snowing there BRR that is too cold for me! He will be able to use his laptop in his room at the end of this week. Right now he is using it in a room full of people! So the noise in the background is bad. He pins on Officer on Feb 2nd and I am sad that I wont be able to go. But It is ok We are planning a trip there in May for his graduation and they are gonna a private thing for him so I can pin him on. how cool is that! Koby is excited to go but I think he is more excited to go see the White House LOL! Well I will update as he updates me! I will also Update you on how me and the boys are handling all this!


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